مطالعه کتاب The Gospel of the Shia of Ali (a)
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The Gospel of the Shia of Ali (a)


Authors(s): Muhammad Legenhausen

Translator(s): Sayyid Abbas Husayni Muntazir Qaim Muhammad Legenhausen

Category: Hadith Collections

Journal: General (Al Tawhid)

Topic Tags: Tradtions Shia Christian

Person Tags: Imam Ali Jesus Christ




The close relation between Prophet Jesus ('a) and Imam 'Ali ('a), and their shared characteristics. Traditions about Jesus (a), and an admonition from the Almighty to Jesus (a) narrated by the Ahlul Bayt (a).

The Gospel of the Shi'ah of 'Ali ('a)

There is a peculiarly close relation between Prophet Jesus ('a) and Imam 'Ali ('a). Prophet Muhammad (S) himself is reported to have pointed this out:

It is reported that Imam 'Ali ('a) said, “The Messenger of Allah called me and said, 'O 'Ali! Verily, there is a similarity between you and Jesus the son of Mary ('a). The Christians love him so much that they put him in a position that was not for him; and the Jews hate him so much that they even slandered his mother.' And 'Ali ('a) said, 'Two [groups of] men will be ruined because of me, he who goes to extremes in love of me for what I do not have and he who hates me with a hatred that makes him slander me.”(1)

In addition, Imam 'Ali ('a), like Prophet Muhammad (S), is reported to have referred to Jesus ('a) as “My brother Jesus”(2). Both Jesus ('a) and Imam 'Ali ('a) are the charismatic standard bearers for the esoteric dimension of religion; both were rejected by those who interpreted religion in a narrowly

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1- Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 35, pp. 318-319, no. 14
2- Imam 'Ali ('a) is reported to have referred to Jesus ('a) as “my brother” in Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 14, p. 320, no. 26, and the Prophet (S) is reported to have referred to him ('a) in this way in Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 14, p. 321, no. 27 and Mustadrak al- Wasa'i1, 12, 39.
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